Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Lone Wolf

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

From time to time he'll find others
Run with them 'til the time is dead
But always he returns at night
No pack with which to lay his head

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

With Brother Eagle and Father Sun
Flying high above his way
The Lone Wolf can always find
The strength to run another day

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

And he will keep on running alone
Every day and every night
passing pack after pack
and through every fight

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

There are some he runs with often
Who come to his joy and aid
Who have stood by him night and day
But their tracks will eventually fade

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

For two years he'll run with Brother Eagle
Two years of his constant stay
And when he returns he'll have been born anew
A Lone Wolf Stronger, come what may

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

After this great journey
After this two-year Run
He will find a She-Wolf just like he
With the guidance of Brother Eagle and Father Sun

With Her a pack will be born
With Her a pack will stay
Until they become Lone Wolfs themselves
And leave to find their way

Alone in a dreary wasteland
Alone in company
Alone with pack, and pair, and pal
Alone, but not lonely

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